2018 Quills: TV/Video Feature (Long Form)

Louise Milligan, Mary Fallon, Sashka Koloff & Lucy Carter of ABC Four Corners won the 2018 TV/Video Feature (Long Form) Quill for 'I Am That Girl'.

Judges' citation

This year's entries were all very high quality but one was outstanding. In "I Am That Girl" Louise Milligan was able to develop an extraordinary level of trust from a young woman whose life had been violently changed forever. Sensitive and creative production transformed a difficult television topic into a compelling account that led to a high level review of laws of consent. And it was a story that left viewers questioning their own attitudes.

The winning entry

'I am that girl, ABC Four Corners, 7 May 2018

Other finalists

Nick McKenzie, Ben Knight & Chris Gillett of ABC 7.30 for Brutal Force

Belinda Hawkins, Sarah Farnsworth, Mark Farnell & Peter Lewis of ABC Australian Storyfor 'The Justice Principle: Parts One and Two'

Nick Olle, Hamish Macdonald, Josh Wedd & Sam Mularczyk of Network Ten for 'Migrant Caravan Series'

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