
2020 Quills: Sports Photograph

Jason Edwards of the Herald Sun has won the 2020 Sports Photograph Quill.

Judges' citation

The outstanding image of rock climber Tom Perkins was taken in complete darkness. Climbing under these conditions is unbelievably hard and dangerous, with the climber having to make every move by memory. The judging panel thought while it was a technically difficult photo to take Jason had captured it well, shining a light on a sport that requires both mental and physical toughness.

The winning entry

The Crux, Herald Sun, 12 November 2020

Highly commended

Darrian Traynor, Getty Images, In the moment

Other finalists

Michael Dodge, AAP, Russian Around

Darrian Traynor, Getty Images, A Big Bash

Please note: the above link/s may not comprise the entirety of an entry submitted for consideration.

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