Shannon Deery, Matt Johnston, Kieran Rooney, and Mitch Clarke have won the 2021 Coverage of an Issue or Event Quill.
Judges' citation
Covid was the biggest issue of 2021, and the Herald Sun state rounds team provided sustained, relentless and agenda-setting coverage. If you wanted to know about looming lockdowns or changes to restrictions, you turned to the Herald Sun. Invariably, they had it first. Capping it off was the intelligent use of print, online and social media. Understandably, there was saturation coverage of Covid. This was a stand out.
The winning entry
'Restrictions revealed', Herald Sun, 16 July 2021
'In the box seat', Herald Sun, 24 October 2021
'Dan's slow road', Herald Sun, 19 September 2021
'A kick in the guts', Herald Sun, 21 August 2021
Highly commended
Cassie Zervos, 7NEWS, 'Missing Campers'
Other finalists
Clay Lucas, The Age, 'Broken homes: aged care and the horror of St Basil's'
Ben Schneiders and Royce Millar, The Age, 'Class Divide: Sacked for being gay'
Please note: the above titles and link/s may not comprise the entirety of an entry submitted for consideration.