MPC members win flight prizes

Three financial members of the Melbourne Press Club have each won $1000 in flights with Virgin Australia.

Thomas Hutton, Christine McGinn and Ivan Dodin have won the prizes as part of the Melbourne Press Club's recent membership drive.

MPC membership carries a range of benefits, including big discounts on our events, a free entry in next year's Quill Awards and for early career journalists, participation in our mentorship program.

You can now manage your membership details online on our website. We also offer the convenient option of automatic annual renewals.

Annual membership, which is currently $75 for journalists and $95 for associate members, will increase on 1 August 2017 to $85 for journalists, $110 for associate members and $40 for students.

To sign up for membership, click here. To renew, go to our login page and enter your username and password. If you require assistance, please call the club on 03 9614 2779.


Apply to join the Melbourne Press Club

Membership is $100 for journalists, $150 for associate members and $40 for students.

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