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Oli Bourguignon of 7NEWS Melbourne has won the 2020 TV Camera Work (Shot of the Year) Quill
See the full list of 2020 Quill Award finalists
Mike Amor, Sharnelle Vella, and Nick McCallum of 7NEWS won the 2019 Breaking News Coverage Quill for their coverage of the George Pell guilty verdict
Waleed Aly won the 2019 Keith Dunstan Quill for Commentary
Jason South of The Age won the 2019 News Photograph Quill
Rachael Brown, Josie Taylor, Chris Gillett & Greg Nelson of ABC 7.30 won the 2019 TV/Video Feature (Long Form) Quill
See the full list of 2019 Quill award finalists
James Paul of Seven News won the 2017 Camera Work Quill
See the shortlists for 29 Quill categories as well as the MPC Student Journalist of the Year
Louise Milligan & Andy Burns have won the 2016 Gold Quill
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