1-10 out of 12 results.
If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.
Australian journalism has lost one of its greatest sons with the death of Les Carlyon
View year-by-year lists of Quill winners
The Herald Sun Journalists who broke and led the coverage of the Lawyer X scandal have won the 2018 Gold Quill Award
Anthony Dowsley and Patrick Carlyon of Herald Sun won the 2018 Gold Quill
Anthony Dowsley, Patrick Carlyon & Chris Tinkler of the Herald Sun have won the 2018 Coverage of an Issue or Event Quill
Anthony Dowsley and Patrick Carlyon won the 2018 Grant Hattam Quill
See the full list of 2018 Quill award finalists
Emma Quayle of The Age won the 2016 Sports Feature Quill
Shortlists for 27 Quill categories and Student Journalist of the Year
Ruth Lamperd, of the Herald Sun, won the 2015 Victorian Government Quill for Reporting on Disability.
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