1-10 out of 12 results.
If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.
Konrad Marshall of Good Weekend has won the 2021 Sports Feature Quill.
Finalists have been announced for the 2021 Quill Awards
We reflect on the year that was for the Melbourne Press Club.
The Victorian media community celebrated journalism that made a vital contribution at the 2020 Quill awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism
Russell Jackson of ABC News has won the 2020 MPC Gold Quill
Russell Jackson of ABC News has won the 2020 Sports Feature Quill
Julian Linden won the 6th Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year
Finalists lists have been corrected for the Sports Feature and Sports News categories
See the list of 2020 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year finalists
See the full list of 2020 Quill Award finalists
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