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The State Library are fundraising to acquire the Bruce Postle photography archive
The Herald Sun cartoonist passed away at 89 on 20 July
Legendary Age cartoonist passes away after brief battle with cancer.
Twenty-eight pioneers inducted into the Australian Media Hall of Fame.
'The Premier and the Pen' launched with a powerful political message from John Cain.
The Australian Media Hall of Fame is a national project that recognises people who have made significant contributions to the craft of journalism and enhanced the history of news media in Australia.
On the launch of Melbourne Sirius
Melbourne Press Club committee member and senior partner at Minter Ellison, Peter Bartlett, has written a review of events in media law as part of the 2013 Walkley Press Freedom Report. Here is his summary of how media law is developing.
Membership is $100 for journalists, $150 for associate members and $40 for students.
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