1-10 out of 16 results.
If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.
Rex Patrick calls for an end to the prosecution of former ATO staffer Richard Boyle
Christine Ahern and Lisa Brown of 60 Minutes have won the TV/Video Feature Quill with “VBA exposed”
John Ferguson of The Australian has won the Scoop of the Year Quill with “Police investigate mass poisoning in Leongatha”
The MPC is thrilled to announce the finalists for our 29th Quill Awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism.
New National Aboriginal Press Club will host Jill Gallagher AO and The Hon Gavin Jennings in Melbourne on 2 December
Amy Bainbridge, Rachael Brown & Naomi Selvaratnam of ABC Radio AM won the 2018 Radio Journalism (Short Form) Quill for 'Insurance Industry Reports'.
Fairfax Media & ABC have won the 2017 Gold Quill
Group investigations into Chinese influence over Australian politics and a retirement village sector scandal have jointly won the 2017 Grant Hattam Quill for Investigative Journalism.
Transplant surgeon Bob Jones with three journalists who made the cut
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