
29th Quills: Excellence in Indigenous Affairs Reporting, sponsored by the Federation of Victorian Tr

Nino Bucci and Blake Sharp-Wiggins of Guardian Australia have won the Excellence in Indigenous Affairs Reporting Quill with “Aboriginal pedestrian deaths in the Northern Territory”.

This award is sponsored by the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations.


Judges’ citation:

In his article Lethal Highways, Nino Bucci brings to the reader’s attention the stark details of the overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in Northern Territory pedestrian deaths. The balanced use of case studies, statistical evidence, research findings and interviews has resulted in a feature article that demonstrates clearly a commitment on the part of the journalist to deliver a comprehensive narrative without injecting editorial bias.

Importantly for this particular category, Nino clearly seems to have addressed a sensitive and contentious topic with due respect to all parties involved.


Highly Commended

Joseph Dunstan and Lauren Day, ABC News, “'A life without Veronica' and 'Victoria's treaty journey'



7am podcast, “The Fight for a Voice”

Nick McKenzie, Natalie Clancy and Erin Pearson, 60 Minutes and The Age, “National Disgrace

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