29th Quills: Radio Current Affairs

Shane McInnes of 3AW has won the Radio Current Affairs Quill with “Victoria's Meningococcal Vaccine Failure”.


Judges’ citation

Shane's masterful interview with a concerned father, and follow up with an infectious diseases expert exposed a serious gap in public health information around the availability of vaccines for different strains of meningococcal. After much debate over this fiercely contested shortlist, the judges found Shane's entry to be the most compelling, original material. It embodied the best qualities of a live radio interview that drew attention to a little known, but concerning issue.


Highly commended

Richard Willingham, ABC News, “Melbourne's second safe injecting room set for the Salvation Army



Oliver Gordon, AM - ABC Radio, “Desperate son Gürkan searches for mother in rubble of Turkish earthquake

Raf Epstein, Erin Mathews, Julian Virgona and Nial Hosken, ABC Radio Melbourne Mornings, “Civilians share stories from inside Gaza and Israel

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