Ebony Bowden won the 2017 TAC Towards Zero Quill for Road Safety Reporting.
Winning work
'Fury roads: Melbourne's road rage epidemic'
'Victoria's worrying culture of aggressive driving': https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/its-shocking-victorias-worrying-culture-of-aggressive-driving-20170713-gxafri.html
'Melbourne's road rage hotspots revealed as rate of assaults in Victoria doubles': https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/melbournes-road-rage-hotspots-revealed-as-rate-of-assaults-in-victoria-doubles-20170727-gxjuhd.html
'Is road rage a crime?': https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/is-road-rage-a-crime-it-depends-on-the-case-say-victoria-police-20170713-gxabrk.html
Other finalists
Adam Carey (The Sunday Age) for 'How 41 lives could have been saved'
Wes Hosking (Herald Sun) for 'A light on road safety'
Olivia Shying (The Courier, Ballarat) for 'Where to next? Turning the road toll spike around'