MPC Mentoring Program


Thanks for your interest - applications for this program are currently closed as we support our current mentorships. We expect to open applications for a new round of mentorships in Winter 2025.

Early career journos – here's your chance to discuss, reflect and learn about journalism from a leading industry mentor.

The Melbourne Press Club Mentoring Program is presented in partnership with Swinburne University of Technology.

About the program

This initiative offers early career journalists the opportunity to learn from experienced colleagues in a 12-month program.

Mentees are connected with senior colleagues from different media organisations, giving them the opportunity to benefit from the insights, observations and wisdom offered by those more experienced in the field.

Now in its eighth year, the Mentoring Program has been important in supporting many Victorian journalists in the early years of their career.

Who can apply? 

The program is open to working journalists in Victoria with up to seven years’ experience. Journalists must be employed by a media organisation in Victoria or be actively freelancing in order to participate in the program.

The club is committed to fostering a more diverse and inclusive media industry. We encourage applications from journalists who identify as having Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage as well as journalists from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

We encourage applications from early-career journalists working in regional Victoria.  

How do I apply?

Early career journalists can apply using the online form linked above. We encourage applicants to give as much detail in their responses as possible. This helps us match you with appropriate mentors. 

The program is free, however successful applicants will be expected to become members of the Melbourne Press Club.

Information for mentors

If you are an experienced media worker and interested in becoming a mentor, please contact the Melbourne Press Club office at or by phone on (03) 8080 3610.

Other queries about the program can be directed to the same address.

Hear from past mentees

Chelsea Bunting

Michaela Meade


TJ Correa

Contact us

For specific enquiries, or if you are interested in becoming a mentor, you can also contact the Melbourne Press Club office at or by phone on (03) 8080 3610.

The MPC Mentoring Program is grateful for the support of Swinburne University of Technology.

Apply to join the Melbourne Press Club

Membership is $100 for journalists, $150 for associate members and $40 for students.

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