Tom Cowie of The Age won the 2019 Feature Writing Quill for 'Two Guys And The Yiayia Next Door'.
Judges' citation
The judges were deeply moved by the humanity and empathy of this story, which slowly reveals itself through unadorned writing much deeper and more complex than it first appears. It asks us as readers to think about our own lives and whether we would be so generous if we found ourselves in similar circumstances. It is clear Tom developed deep trust with the subjects and his method of telling this rich and warm story was both appropriate and compelling.
The winning entry
Behind the unlikely bond between two guys and the yiayia next door, lies a tragedy, The Age, 24 May 2019
Highly Commended
Cameron Stewart, The Weekend Australian magazine, Joe Hockey’s Game
Other finalists
James Oaten, Danny Morgan & Jane Cowan, ABC, Catching A Catfish
Sue Smethurst, The Weekend Australian magazine, Natalie Trayling- The Homeless Virtuoso