
2021 Quills: Radio Current Affairs

Charlotte King of ABC Radio has won the 2021 Radio Current Affairs Quill.

Judges' citation

Relentless investigative work over more than two years by King exposed a decades-old scandal of abuse of children at Ballarat Orphanage that had been covered by by police, top government officials and senior ministers and the orphanage’s board. King’s reporting shed light on failures by the criminal justice system, and saw former state wards at last able to put their story on the public record.

The winning entry

Charlotte King, ABC Background Briefing and AM, 'The memo that erased a scandal'

Highly commended

Neil Mitchell, 3AW, 'The fall of Tim Smith'

Other finalists

Norman Hermant, ABC AM, 'Hidden Homeless'


Please note: the above link/s may not comprise the entirety of an entry submitted for consideration.

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