2016 Quill awards

2016 Quill Awards finalists announced

Shortlists for 27 Quill categories and Student Journalist of the Year

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2016 Quills Photos & Video

Photos and video from the 2016 Quill Awards night

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2016 Quills Conditions of Entry & Judging Criteria

See a list of categories, plus conditions of entry and criteria for the 2016 Quill awards.  

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2016 Quills Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the 2016 Quill awards for excellence in Victorian journalism.

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2016 Quills: About the Quill Awards

A brief history of the Quill awards.

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2016 Quills: See Quill award winners by year

Find previous Quill award winners by year.

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Quills for Excellence in Victorian Journalism

2016 Quill winners

Winners of 27 individual Quill awards are announced

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