Search Results for "2018 MPC lunch"

1-10 out of 10 results.

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Lawyers Lament Politicians Tough Talk on Crime

MPC Election Forum told mandatory sentencing won’t solve violent offending

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Archbishop: Church must earn back trust

Melbourne’s new Catholic leader meets the Press

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The Great Thrall of China

China’s ascendence and influence demands robust media attention, the expert panel agreed.

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Standing up for the ABC

ABC chief Michelle Guthrie calls on critics to stop using the broadcaster as "a punching bag"    

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The Great Australian Airport Bite

Lunch with Professor Graeme Samuel AC

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The ABC of News in the Age of Fake

Lunch with ABC News chief Gaven Morris

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Melbourne’s Mayoral Candidates Meet the Press

Forum details policy priorities in city by-election.

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The Fight to Defend Quality Journalism

Meet the new Press Council Chair Neville Stevens

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The Global Correspondent

John Pilger in conversation with Michael Bachelard

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The Rabble Rousers

Lunch with three of Australia's best news columnists

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1-10 out of 10 results.

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