Search Results for "Graham Perkin editor The Age special event photos"

1-4 out of 4 results.

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About Graham Perkin

About legendary Age editor Graham Perkin

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Graham Perkin memorial dinner

The MPC marked the 40th anniversary of Graham Perkin's death with a special dinner featuring tributes from some of the big names in Australian journalism. 

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2015 Graham Perkin dinner photos

Photos from the 2015 Graham Perkin memorial dinner.

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Chapter 3. A remarkable editor

On 14 December, 1976, there was a lunch in the Great Hall of the National Gallery of Victoria that was to give new prestige to the Melbourne Press Club. The memory of Graham Perkin was very fresh in all our minds. Perkin, editor-in-­chief of The Age, died suddenly of a heart attack on 16 October, 1975. He was 45.

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1-4 out of 4 results.

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