Search Results for "MPC media lunch"

1-10 out of 24 results.

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Russel Howcroft media lunch

Through his appearances on ABC1’s hugely successful show The Gruen Transfer Russel Howcroft has become the very public face of brand marketing and advertising in Australia. 

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Antony Catalano media lunch

On April 29 2010, Antony Catalano's Metro Media Publishing launched the first edition of The Weekly Review.

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Media Lunch with Derryn Hinch

Derryn Hinch has been sacked 15 times, but he is always welcome at a Melbourne Press Club gig.

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Adele Ferguson Media Lunch

Senior business writer and columnist for The Age & The Sydney Morning Herald and author of a new book on Gina Rinehart.

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Margaret Simons Media Lunch

Journalist, author, blogger and academic Margaret Simons is one of Australia’s most prolific and most commented on journalism communicators. Strongly independent, she is fearless and articulate when discussing the shortcomings of Australia’s media or the future of journalism.

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Lunch with Colleen Ryan

Former Australian Financial Review editor Colleen Ryan's latest book Fairfax: The Rise and Fall is billed as a devastating expose of Fairfax Media's rollercoaster ride from the folly of Young Warwick to the challenge of Gina Rinehart. 

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Corporate Lunch with Kim Williams

Kim Williams discussed the profound changes sweeping through the media landscape, and the implications of these changes for quality journalism, media companies and policy making in Canberra. 

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Lunch with Harold Mitchell

Harold Mitchell is one of Australia's most important media buyers and knows better than most whether the media’s new online ventures will attract the advertising support they need to support quality journalism.

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Lunch with Greg Hywood

Mr Hywood spoke about his start in journalism, how Fairfax is adapting to new challenges and the company's "technologically agnostic" nature. After his speech the floor was opened up to questions, which covered everything from the role of radio and the suspension of 2UE's Mike Smith to media enquiries and ways Fairfax could expand.

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1-10 out of 24 results.

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