Search Results for "features photograph"

1-9 out of 9 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

29th Quills: Features Photograph

Eddie Jim of The Age has won the Features Photograph Quill with “Fighting, Not Sinking”

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28th Quills: Features Photograph

Alex Coppel of the Herald Sun won the 2022 Features Photograph Quill for his entry “Underwater Babies”

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2020 Quills: Features Photograph

Christopher Hopkins of The Age has won the 2020 Features Photograph Quill

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2019 Quills: Features Photograph

Jason South won the 2019 Features Photograph Quill for coverage from Christchurch for The Age

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2018 Quills: Features Photograph

Justin McManus won the 2018 Features Photograph Quill for 'The Last Swaggie', published in The Sunday Age.

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2017 Quills: Features Photograph

David Caird won the 2017 Features Photograph Quill for 'Melbourne High Life', published in the Sunday Herald Sun

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2016 Quills: Features Photograph

Jason Edwards of the Herald Sun has won the 2016 Quill for Features Photograph for ‘Beautiful Balance’.

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2014 Quills: Best Features Photograph

Eddie Jim of The Sunday Age won the 2014 Quill for Best Features Photograph for his image of Hayden McLean.

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2021 Quills: Feature Photograph

Justin McManus of The Age has won the 2021 Features Photograph Quill.

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1-9 out of 9 results.

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