Search Results for "regional media"

1-6 out of 6 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Emergency support to help regional print media survive in Victoria

The Victorian government has announced an advertising boost through regional media organisations

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Statement: Regional journalism funding welcome, but more needed

The Melbourne Press Club welcomes relief for Australian media and investment in regional journalism but more needs to be done.

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Victorian media under pressure from COVID-19

The MPC stands in solidarity with our colleagues now facing uncertain futures

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Donations to the Melbourne Press Club support our programs for journalism

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Away from capital cities, covering traumatic news presents extra challenges

When covering tragedies, disasters or multiple distressing news stories – beyond experiences and reactions that metropolitan-based media workers have – there are, unquestionably, additional challenges and risks for regional and remote journalists, as the Dart Centre Asia Pacific explains.

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1-6 out of 6 results.

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