Search Results for "resources"

1-10 out of 10 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Resources for Covering COVID-19

A growing list of articles and tools to help you cover the current Coronavirus pandemic

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Putting your self-care plan into action

Most media workers will not be greatly affected by the work they do because they are – and will usually remain – resilient, but here's a checklist of things to prepare yourself for a potentially difficult assignment and the signs to look out for afterwards, provided by the Dart Centre Asia Pacific.

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Learn more about the benefits of Melbourne Press Club membership

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Mirrors and daggers: How journalists pay the price of 24/7 screen access

Australia’s access to high-level journalism skills and resources could lead it becoming an Asia Pacific hub for modelling and promoting solutions to technology-facilitated violence (TFV).

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Understanding COVID-19 data

Video: Coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic has centred around statistics, but how do journalists make sense of the enormous amounts of data released by health authorities?

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COVID-19: Tips for Editors and Chiefs-of-Staff

Video: Dr Cait McMahon from the Dart Centre discusses ways to maintain your mental health while covering COVID-19

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COVID-19 and Journalism: Staying Psychologically Healthy

Video: Dr Cait McMahon from the Dart Centre discusses ways to maintain your mental health while covering COVID-19

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Partners & Sponsors

Meet our partners and sponsors

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Chapter 6. Lazarus rises

The year was 1995 and Jim Clarke was worried. The club could not go on the way it was. Everything had been tried — subsidised lunches, tearful appeals on notice boards, wild Christmas parties. However, he did have an idea. Why not get someone in charge who had real clout, someone with a high profile, someone who could steer real resources their way.

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Corporate Lunch with Monash VC Professor Ed Byrne

Can our universities continue to compete with the best of Europe and America and the massive resources pouring into research and education in Asia?

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1-10 out of 10 results.

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