2018 Quills: Radio Journalism (Long Form)

Jane Lee and her colleagues Alice Brennan, Jess O’Callaghan and Leila Shunnar won the 2018 Radio Journalism (Long Form) Quill for her investigation into the death of Jeremy Hu, broadcast as an ABC Background Briefing episode.

Reporter Jane Lee’s story was a collaboration with Background Briefing executive producer Alice Brennan, series producer Jess O’Callaghan and sound producer Leila Shunnar.

Judges' citation

Jane's radio feature tells the story of Jeremy Hu - an international student who was fatally bashed in a Chinatown alley. Jeremy had been bullied for weeks but never mentioned it to his teachers or local homestay hosts. Jane spoke to all the central figures including Jeremy's mother - devastated by the loss of her only son.

The winning entry

'Death in Chinatown: Who's looking after international students?', ABC Background Briefing, 18 March 2018

Other finalists

Jon Faine & Katrina Palmer of ABC Radio Mornings for 'State Election - Leaders Debate'

Gerard Whateley of 1116 Sen Whateley for 'Australia's Cricket Team Cheated'

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