
2019 Quills: The Victorian Government Quill for Reporting on Cultural Diversity

Ian Burrows & Jason Fang of ABC News won the 2019 Victorian Government Quill for Reporting on Cultural Diversity for 'Do immigrants try hard enough to fit in?'

Judges' citation

A nuanced, subtle portrayal of the Australian-Chinese community - whose loyalty is sometimes questioned. A well written exposition on ‘belonging’ with polished multimedia elements that complement the overall narrative. Interesting, engaging and a great example of journalism breaking down cultural barriers without compromising news values.

The winning entry

'Do immigrants try hard enough to fit in?', ABC News, 28 October 2019

Highly commended

Madeline Hayman-Reber, The Saturday Paper & SBS NITV, Aunty Tanya Day Inquest

Other finalists

Melissa Heagney, Domain & The Age, African-Australians battle rental discrimination

Sue Smethurst, The Australian Women's Weekly magazine, They'll Bury Me In My Yellows

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