Sarah Danckert of The Age has won the 2021 Business News/Feature Quill.
Judges' citation
Sarah Danckert’s winning entry The secret Australian origins of the world’s biggest crypto casino is a forensic, rollicking investigation uncovering a giant casino operating from the heart of Melbourne but in the fringes of the digital world. It combines powerful presentation, combining artwork, simple graphs and video, but is not overburdening and never loses sight of the main narrative. The piece provides a detailed account of the global links for a foreign licensed casino that flies under the radar and exposes gaps in the real work regulation. This is an example of business journalism that is entirely accessible and fresh; it takes the audience along with it for the entirety of the ride.
The winning entry
'Secrets at The Australian origins of the world’s biggest crypto casino', The Age, 10 December 2021
Highly commended
Konrad Marshall, Good Weekend magazine, 'Playing hardball'
Other finalists
John Stensholt and Nick Evans, The Australian, 'Twiggy's Green Dream'
Please note: the above link/s may not comprise the entirety of an entry submitted for consideration.