Matt Golding of The Sunday Age has won the Cartoon Quill with “The nation said no.”
Judges’ citation:
Matt Golding's cartoon ‘The Nation Said No’, published in the aftermath of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum, brilliantly captures a pivotal moment in Australian history. With no need for words, the simple two-panel drawing speaks volumes about the referendum’s outcome. In the first frame an Indigenous hand, representing the Yes campaign, reaches to connect across the backdrop of the Aboriginal flag. A second hand in the frame grips a light cord, signifying voting Australians. The magic of this cartoon is the subsequent panel delivering a powerful blow, despite being entirely black and containing no text. The No vote has extinguished the light from the Indigenous flag, shrouding it in darkness, forcing the viewer to reflect on Australia’s final vote. Using only symbolism, Golding has conveyed Australia’s biggest 2023 story at a glance.
The Winning Entry

Highly Commended
Jim Pavlidis, The Age, “Vote Know”
Megan Herbert, The Age, “Small Hill to Die On”
Mark Knight, Herald Sun, “On your mark”