Ben Schneiders of The Age has won the Sports News Quill with “The tax haven, the PO box, the tropical island: Who owns Australian soccer”.
This award is sponsored by Bupa.
Judges’ citation
Ben Schneiders' extensive investigative reporting uncovered extraordinary details about the A-league’s secretive, convoluted ownership structure and tax status. It required extensive digging, financial detective work, and the cultivation of contacts both in Australia and overseas. All of this was done in the face of uncooperative officials in the A-League as well as Football Australia. The judging panel says this is an important piece of investigative journalism, raising questions about transparency and accountability in the world game.
Highly Commended
Scott Gullan, Herald Sun, “Peter Bol drugs scandal”
Mitch Cleary, Pat Harrison and Damian Shine, 7NEWS Melbourne, “Gold Coast land Hardwick”
Daniel Brettig, The Age, “Australians abused in Lord's Long Room in Ashes Test”