Search Results for "COVID-19"

1-10 out of 21 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Responding to COVID-19

View highlights from the discussion here

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Back in the Game: Covering Footy During COVID-19

Watch the webinar recorded on the eve of football's return

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Understanding COVID-19 data

Video: Coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic has centred around statistics, but how do journalists make sense of the enormous amounts of data released by health authorities?

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Journalism, mental health and COVID-19

Journalism plays an essential role in the COVID-19 response, but the unique stresses placed on newsrooms by the pandemic can cause mental health problems for those covering the crisis

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COVID-19: Tips for Editors and Chiefs-of-Staff

Video: Dr Cait McMahon from the Dart Centre discusses ways to maintain your mental health while covering COVID-19

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COVID-19 and Journalism: Staying Psychologically Healthy

Video: Dr Cait McMahon from the Dart Centre discusses ways to maintain your mental health while covering COVID-19

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Resources for Covering COVID-19

A growing list of articles and tools to help you cover the current Coronavirus pandemic

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Victorian media under pressure from COVID-19

The MPC stands in solidarity with our colleagues now facing uncertain futures

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In crisis or tragedy, let’s recognise media’s purpose and value

Dart Centre Asia Pacific chair Trina McLellan discusses the importance of journalists' work, and the key skills required in the field.

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1-10 out of 21 results.

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