Search Results for "Copyright Agency"

1-10 out of 10 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Copyright Agency grants for writers

The Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund is offering CREATE grants of between $10,000 and $20,000 to writers.

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Fighting for our Copyright

Lunch with Copyright Agency chairman Kim Williams

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About the 2023-24 Michael Gordon Fellowships program

Read all about the 2023/24 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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About the 2022-23 Michael Gordon Fellowships program

Read all about the 2022/23 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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About the 2021-22 Michael Gordon Fellowships program

Read all about the 2021 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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About the 2019 Michael Gordon Fellows

Read all about the 2019 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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Partners & Sponsors

Meet our partners and sponsors

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2019 Michael Gordon Fellows Announced

$30,000 in grants shared in the 2019 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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Applications closing soon for mentoring program

Apply before the end of August to be considered for the third round of our industry mentoring initiative

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1-10 out of 10 results.

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