Search Results for "News Corp"

1-10 out of 14 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

29th Quills: Best Breaking News or Live Coverage, sponsored by The Lottery Corporation

ABC News Victoria has won the Best Breaking News or Live Coverage Quill for “Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews Resigns”

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Statement: The MPC grieves for more losses in print media with the announcement of cuts at News Corp

The news of more job losses in our sector with News Corp Australasia's announcement today breaks our heart.

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Media Release: MPC partners with the Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations

The Melbourne Press Club is thrilled to announce a new partnership with the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations as the sponsor of the Excellence in Indigenous Affairs Reporting Quill award for the next two years.

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The new News chief - safe hands or a visionary?

Julian Clarke is said to have been entrusted with the CEO role at News Corp Australia because he provides stability in tough times.

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The Edit: Finding focus – a career in photojournalism

This Edit event will discuss those challenges, starting with how to find your way in the job, to wrestling with AI, issues of verification, how to cover big events and what it takes to land that unforgettable image.

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Masterclass: Finding New Ways to Fight Misinformation with Neil Varcoe

This special session will provide tips, insights and fresh perspectives that can help working journalists deal with the rising tide of misinformation.

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28th Quills: TV Camera Work (Shot of the Year)

Malcom Corp of Nine News Melbourne has won the 2022 TV Camera Work (Shot of the Year) Quill for “Wild Rampage”

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Statement from CEO Cathy Bryson

Challenges for Australian journalism have become a constant

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What are your rights if you are raided?

Watch our webinar with ABC journalist John Lyons and senior media lawyer Peter Bartlett

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Steve Dunleavy dies aged 81

The colourful tabloid reporter worked for NY Post for four decades

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1-10 out of 14 results.

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