Search Results for "RMIT"

1-7 out of 7 results.

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Welcome from our new Program Officer Freddie Moffat

A word from Freddie Moffat, who will be working on some upcoming MPC events and programs.

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'Take chances on style, medium and most of all, on people'

An excerpt from Hari Raj’s essay in the upcoming book ‘Journalism Matters: 50 Years of Journalism at RMIT’.

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2022 Student Journalist of the Year

RMIT student Thomas Monaghan has won the 2022 MPC Student Journalist of the Year Award.

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Cassidy on the Decline of Political Moralities

RMIT to host conversation with former Insiders host

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Trump and Truth with Colombia’s Anya Schiffrin

Director of the Technology, Media & Comms specialization at Columbia University to give lecture at RMIT

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2011 Student Journalists of the Year

RMIT students Jane Vashti Ryan and Harrison Tippet won the 2011  Melbourne Press Club/Siemens Award for Student Journalism.

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2015 Student Journalist of the Year winner

Bridget Davies of RMIT won the 2015 Student Journalist of the Year Award.

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1-7 out of 7 results.

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