Search Results for "community media"

1-6 out of 6 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

In crisis or tragedy, let’s recognise media’s purpose and value

Dart Centre Asia Pacific chair Trina McLellan discusses the importance of journalists' work, and the key skills required in the field.

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Neos Kosmos: From New World to New Media

Neos Kosmos is an institution for Melbourne’s Greek community. As the paper moves from strength to strength, we look at how it began and what its future holds.

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26th Quill awards: See all the winners

The Victorian media community celebrated journalism that made a vital contribution at the 2020 Quill awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism

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Partners & Sponsors

Meet our partners and sponsors

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About the Club

The Melbourne Press Club has been a key part of the city’s media community for more than 50 years.

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1-6 out of 6 results.

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