Search Results for "crime reporting"

1-5 out of 5 results.

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Statement: Journalism is not a crime

The Melbourne Press Club calls on Malaysia to immediately cease its criminal investigation into five Australian journalists over their fair and balanced reporting for Al Jazeera

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The Edit's Crime Night: with Sly & Rule

Throughout their illustrious careers, John Silvester and Andrew Rule have turned the torch on some of Melbourne's seediest scenarios

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Prioritising self care can protect your career

Journalism can be a stressful profession. Some stress can be positive and useful, like the sort that drives you to deliver your stories by deadline. Equally, other types of stress can be negative, harmful and cumulative.

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Silvester channels Bogart: “That's the Press, baby!”

Veteran crime reporter John Silvester has challenged journalists to fight back against fake news by recommitting to the fundamentals of their craft  

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The Edit: with Anthony Dowsley

Anthony Dowsley has been on the beat for NewsCorp for more than two decades

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1-5 out of 5 results.

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