Search Results for "gender"

1-6 out of 6 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Gender in Media: Lunch with Madeline Di Nonno

Leading the campaign for gender balance in the entertainment industry.

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29th Quills: Feature Writing

Michael Bachelard of Good Weekend magazine has won the Feature Writing Quill for “Talking trans”

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Moving the Goal Posts

View the full webinar here

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MPC begins strategic review; establishes diversity sub-committee

The Board of the Melbourne Press Club (MPC) today moved to establish a Diversity Sub-Committee as part of the organisation’s effort to lead the journalism sector into more action on cultural and gender diversity.

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2019 Quills: The VicHealth Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport

Lucy Carter of ABC 7.30 has won the 2019 VicHealth Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport

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2018 Quills: The VicHealth Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport

Samantha Lane of The Age has won the inaugural VicHealth Quill for Coverage of Women in Sport

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1-6 out of 6 results.

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