Search Results for "lecture"

1-6 out of 6 results.

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14th Bob Rose Lecture with Brian Nankervis

The 14th Annual Robert Rose Lecture was presented by writer, film and TV producer, and comedian Brian Nankervis. 

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Futures of Investigative Journalism Public Lecture

Investigative journalism is one of the few independent checks on the excesses of government, corrupt officials and corporate scoundrels. Such journalism is expensive to produce, takes a long time and risks expensive legal proceedings. 

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Cassidy on the Decline of Political Moralities

RMIT to host conversation with former Insiders host

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Trump and Truth with Colombia’s Anya Schiffrin

Director of the Technology, Media & Comms specialization at Columbia University to give lecture at RMIT

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Robert Rosenthal on Saving Investigative Journalism

Renowned US editor and Centre for Investigative Reporting executive director Robert Rosenthal delivered a free public lecture at Monash University on Tuesday 20 September, 2011.

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1-6 out of 6 results.

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