Search Results for "mental health"

1-10 out of 10 results.

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Working with traumatic imagery can affect your mental health

As the crisis in Ukraine continues and the situation rapidly escalates between Israel and Hamas, viewing traumatic images of violence, death, and destruction is a daily task for many journalists who work on the digital frontline.

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Reporting, newsrooms and mental health

Now more than ever journalists and news crews must take extra care of their mental health as they report on the issues of the day.

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Journalism, mental health and COVID-19

Journalism plays an essential role in the COVID-19 response, but the unique stresses placed on newsrooms by the pandemic can cause mental health problems for those covering the crisis

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Watch now: Reporting on suicide and mental illness

A Masterclass featuring Rachel Green, Osher Günsberg, Dr Jaelea Skehan & Sophie Scott

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COVID-19 and Journalism: Staying Psychologically Healthy

Video: Dr Cait McMahon from the Dart Centre discusses ways to maintain your mental health while covering COVID-19

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Putting your self-care plan into action

Most media workers will not be greatly affected by the work they do because they are – and will usually remain – resilient, but here's a checklist of things to prepare yourself for a potentially difficult assignment and the signs to look out for afterwards, provided by the Dart Centre Asia Pacific.

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29th Quills: Reporting on Disability Issues, sponsored by the Victorian Government

Charlotte Grieve of, The Age has won the Reporting on Disability Issues Quill with “The disturbing treatment for mental health crises”

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The Social and Emotional Toll of a Pandemic

With Professor Patrick McGorry and State Coroner John Cain

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Understanding COVID-19 data

Video: Coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic has centred around statistics, but how do journalists make sense of the enormous amounts of data released by health authorities?

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COVID-19: Tips for Editors and Chiefs-of-Staff

Video: Dr Cait McMahon from the Dart Centre discusses ways to maintain your mental health while covering COVID-19

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1-10 out of 10 results.

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