Search Results for "press freedom"

1-10 out of 39 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Dramatic deterioration in world press freedom

This year’s World Press Freedom Index data reflected a dramatic deterioration in access to information and an increase in obstacles to news coverage.

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Press freedom plumbs fresh depths in Southeast Asia

The latest World Press Freedom Index highlights increasing insecurity for journalists working around Southeast Asia, writes Luke Hunt.

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Threatened closure of Cambodian paper a press freedom issue

The Overseas Press Club of Cambodia condemns "lack of due process" in government's threatened closure of paper over tax bill.

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MEAA Timor-Leste press freedom fundraiser

Raimundos Oki narrowly avoided jail over an article he wrote about the Timor-Leste Prime Minister. Hear him speak about press freedom in Timor alongside John Milkins and Damien Kingsbury at the Trades Hall on 31 August.

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2015 Melbourne Press Freedom dinner photos

See a slideshow of photos from the night.

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2015 Melbourne Press Freedom Dinner speeches

Videos of speeches from the inuaugural event

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MEAA releases 2017 Press Freedom Report

'The Chilling Effect' details numerous challenges, some old, some new, to the free operation of media in contemporary Australia

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Press Council condemns Australian press freedom erosions

The Australian Press Council is calling on media to stand firm against the alarming erosion of access to information, privacy and protection of sources.

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Press freedom is under attack, not least in Australia

The MEAA's Mike Dobbie paints a grim picture of the situation of the media worldwide in the lead-up to the alliance's annual press freedom report.

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'Criminalising the Truth': 2016 MEAA press freedom report

On the MEAA 2016 press freedom report Criminalising the Truth, Suppressing the Right to Know

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1-10 out of 39 results.

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