Search Results for "student"

1-10 out of 37 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Enter the Student Journalist of the Year Award

The Student Journalist of the Year award recognises the best in Victorian student journalism.

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2022 Student Journalist of the Year

RMIT student Thomas Monaghan has won the 2022 MPC Student Journalist of the Year Award.

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2021 Student Journalist of the Year

Melbourne University student Petra Stock has won the 2021 Student Journalist of the Year Award.

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2020 Student Journalist of the Year

Jess Malcolm of University of Melbourne won the 2020 Student Journalist of the Year award

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Student Journalist of the Year

The Student Journalist of the Year award recognises the best in Victorian student journalism. 

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2019 Student Journalist of the Year

Liam Petterson of University of Melbourne won the 2019 Student Journalist of the Year award

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2019 Quills: MPC Student Journalist of the Year

Liam Petterson of University of Melbourne won the 2019 Student Journalist of the Year award

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2018 Quills: The Student Journalist of the Year

Peter Bateman of Monash University won the 2018 Student Journalist of the Year award

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2018 Student Journalist of the Year

Peter Bateman of Monash University won the 2018 Student Journalist of the Year award

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2018 Student Journalist of the Year Award Entry Criteria

2018 Student Journalist of the Year Award Entry Criteria

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1-10 out of 37 results.

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