Search Results for "whistleblower"

1-4 out of 4 results.

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Laws Must Protect not Punish Whistleblowers: Senator

Rex Patrick calls for an end to the prosecution of former ATO staffer Richard Boyle

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UN expert slams Australian secrecy laws

A UN special rapporteur has slammed the Australian government's secrecy laws and threats to whistleblowers and journalists in a recently released report.

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Blowing the Whistle on Corporate Corruption

A panel on the scandals exposed by the work of tenacious journalists and courageous whistleblowers.

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Legal Update for Journalists - 2013 Press Freedom Report

Melbourne Press Club committee member and senior partner at Minter Ellison, Peter Bartlett, has written a review of events in media law as part of the 2013 Walkley Press Freedom Report. Here is his summary of how media law is developing.

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1-4 out of 4 results.

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