Hear first-hand from Ahron Young, CEO and managing editor of streaming media outlet Ticker NEWS, about his life as a reporter and how he built a next-generation online media company.
Please note: this event has transitioned from in-person to a webinar in light of new Covid-19 restrictions
Ticker broadcasts breaking, business, tech and media news from state-of-the-art studios in Melbourne and Singapore, with plans to expand further overseas.
Now employing 20 journalists, Ticker broadcasts live 17 hours a day while also offering pre-recorded programming focussed on topics of interest to professional millennials around the world.
Ahron began his career in newspapers before moving into radio news and eventually TV. Having spent 13 years as the Melbourne Bureau Chief for Sky News, Ahron was also a founding anchor of RT in Moscow in 2005 and journalist for the Sky News Business Channel in 2008.
This is your chance to connect with a tenacious media entrepreneur and learn from his experiences.
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