Search Results for "Australian Press Council"

1-8 out of 8 results.

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Australian Press Council chair resigns

Australian Press Council chair David Weisbrot has announced his resignation after fierce media criticism of the Council's decision to appoint Indigenous activist Carla McGrath as a public member.

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Press Council condemns Australian press freedom erosions

The Australian Press Council is calling on media to stand firm against the alarming erosion of access to information, privacy and protection of sources.

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Australian Press Council scholarship to prepare freelancers for war zones

Applications sought for scholarship in hostile environments safety training

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David Weisbrot, chair of the Australian Press Council

Since taking over as chair of the Australian Press Council in March, Professor David Weisbrot has proved an 
energetic and outspoken supporter of journalism at a time of great challenges to the industry.

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Press Council honours Greste and Ryle

Journalists Peter Greste and Gerard Ryle recognised on World Press Freedom Day 

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Press Council appoints new chair

The Australian Press Council has appointed former senior federal bureaucrat Neville Stevens as its new chair.

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The Fight to Defend Quality Journalism

Meet the new Press Council Chair Neville Stevens

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APC endorses European call for Facebook dialogue

As a global publisher in all but name, Facebook needs to review and reveal its editorial policy, the Australian Press Council says.

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1-8 out of 8 results.

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