Search Results for "Cartoon"

1-10 out of 17 results.

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29th Quills: Cartoon

Matt Golding of The Sunday Age has won the Cartoon Quill with “The nation said no.”

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Vale Bruce Petty (1929 – 2023) – a cartoonist who drew the big picture

A conversation with Bruce Petty was an interesting encounter – it was full of considered pauses, a laconic wisdom and what seemed like a subterranean seam of irony that he mined every day of his remarkable professional life.

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28th Quills: Cartoon

Matt Golding of The Age won the 2022 Cartoon Quill for his piece “Indigenous voice to Parliament”

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2021 Quills: Cartoon

Jim Pavlidis of The Age has won the 2021 Cartoon Quill.

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2020 Quills: Cartoon

Matt Golding of The Sunday Age won the 2020 Cartoon Quill

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2019 Quills: Cartoon

Jim Pavlidis of The Age won the 2019 Cartoon Quill for 'Who Are You Wearing?'

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2018 Quills: Cartoon

Matt Golding of The Age won the 2018 Cartoon Quill for 'Stab ... Stability'

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2017 Quills: Cartoon

Ron Tandberg of The Age won the 2017 Cartoon Quill for 'The Big C'

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Political cartooning - the end of an era

Newspaper cartoons are no longer major components of the central forum that they were in the era of mass media, Robert Phiddian and Haydon Manning write in The Conversation.

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2016 Quills: Cartoon

Mark Knight won the 2016 Cartoon Quill

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1-10 out of 17 results.

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