Search Results for "Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year"

1-10 out of 34 results.

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Closing Soon: The 2019 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year Award

The national award recognises the best sports journalism in all media and all codes

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The 2018 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

The national award recognises the best sports journalism in all media and all codes

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2017 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

Will Swanton was named the 2017 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

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2016 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

Caroline Wilson recognised for her outstanding coverage of AFL

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2015 Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

Journalist Gerard Whateley won the inaugural Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year Award for his formidable interviews and in-depth reporting of AFL’s biggest scandals.

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Enter the Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year award

Enter online to be the next Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year.

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Linda Pearce wins 2023 Harry Gordon Sports Journalist of The Year Award

Linda’s compelling series on the failure of the Collingwood netball club revealed the dysfunction at the heart of the famous football club’s foray into women’s netball.

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Enter Now: 2020 Harry Gordon National Sports Journalism Award

The national award recognises the best sports journalism in all media and all codes

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1-10 out of 34 results.

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