Search Results for "Michael Warner"

1-7 out of 7 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

2021 Gordon Award winner Michael Warner

Michael Warner won the 7th Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

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9th Gordon Award winner Linda Pearce

Linda Pearce has won the 9th Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

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2022 Gordon Award winner Konrad Marshall

Konrad Marshall won the 8th Harry Gordon Australian Sports Journalist of the Year

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2021 Quills: The Gold Quill

Michael Warner of the Herald Sun has won the 2021 Gold Quill.

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2021 Quills: Sports News

Michael Warner of the Herald Sun has won the 2021 Sports News Quill.

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2017 Quills: Sports News

Michael Warner of the Herald Sun won the 2017 Sports News Quill for 'Drugs, Lies and Cover-ups'

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2015 Quills: Best Sports News Story in any Medium

Grant Baker, Michael Warner & Carly Crawford, of the Herald Sun, won the 2015 Quill for Best Sports News Story in any Medium for '1294 pages of secrets'.  

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1-7 out of 7 results.

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