Search Results for "Victorian awards"

1-10 out of 62 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Victorian Homelessness Media Awards: Entries open

Peak body have launched awards to recognise and encourage respecful reporting about homelessness and related issues

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29th Quills: Reporting on Disability Issues, sponsored by the Victorian Government

Charlotte Grieve of, The Age has won the Reporting on Disability Issues Quill with “The disturbing treatment for mental health crises”

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29th Quills: Excellence in Indigenous Affairs Reporting, sponsored by the Federation of Victorian Tr

Nino Bucci and Blake Sharp-Wiggins of Guardian Australia have won the Excellence in Indigenous Affairs Reporting Quill with “Aboriginal pedestrian deaths in the Northern Territory”

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29th Quill Awards – Finalists

The MPC is thrilled to announce the finalists for our 29th Quill Awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism.

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28th Quills: Reporting on Disability Issues, sponsored by the Victorian Government

Ruby Jones, Georgia Cranko, Elle Marsh and Erik Jensen of 7am won the 2022 Reporting on Disability Issues Quill for “The killing of Ann Marie Smith”

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28th Quill Awards – Finalists

The MPC is thrilled to announce the finalists for our 28th Quill Awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism.

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2021 Quills: Reporting on Multicultural Affairs, sponsored by the Victorian Government

Bang Xiao, Jarrod Fankhauser, Steven Viney of ABC News have won the 2021 Quill for Reporting on Multicultural Affairs, sponsored by the Victorian Government.

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2021 Quills: Reporting on Disability Issues, sponsored by the Victorian Government

Luke Henriques-Gomes of Guardian Australia has won the 2021 Victorian Government Quill for Reporting on Disability Issues Quill.

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1-10 out of 62 results.

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