Search Results for "categories"

1-10 out of 10 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Quills - Categories

View the list of categories for the 29th Quill Awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism  

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New Camera Work Categories for Quills

TV Camera Work will be split into two distinct awards for the 2019 Quill awards

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2017 Quills categories

View the amended list of categories for the 2017 Quill awards for excellence in Victorian journalism

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2016 Quills categories

See the amended list of Quill categories for 2016.

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29th Quill Awards entries open

The Quills are the premier media awards in Victoria, celebrating the best work in over 30 categories across all media.

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2020 Quills: Update to Finalists List

Finalists lists have been corrected for the Sports Feature and Sports News categories    

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Finalists announced: 2020 Quill Awards

Finalists have been announced in over 30 categories

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2017 Quill Awards finalists announced

See the shortlists for 29 Quill categories as well as the MPC Student Journalist of the Year

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2016 Quill Awards finalists announced

Shortlists for 27 Quill categories and Student Journalist of the Year

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2016 Quills Conditions of Entry & Judging Criteria

See a list of categories, plus conditions of entry and criteria for the 2016 Quill awards.  

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1-10 out of 10 results.

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