Search Results for "fellowship"

1-10 out of 28 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

New journalism fellowship launches career for regional Victorian school leaver

The Melbourne Press Club is delighted to announce the first recipient of its Regional Journalism Fellowship Program, supported by the Brian M Davis Charitable Foundation.

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Fellowship opportunity: making sense of society’s fault lines

Applications are now open for the Swinburne University of Technology-Melbourne Press Club ‘Beyond the Fault Lines’ Fellowship.

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Applications open: Michael Gordon Journalism Fellowships

The Melbourne Press Club is pleased to announce applications are now open for the 2023-24 Michael Gordon Journalism Fellowships program.

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2023-24 Michael Gordon Fellowships Guidelines and Criteria

Read guidelines and criteria for the 2023/24 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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About the 2023-24 Michael Gordon Fellowships program

Read all about the 2023/24 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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Applications open for 2022/23 Michael Gordon Fellowships

Learn how your social justice story could recieve funding and how to apply.

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2022-23 Michael Gordon Fellowships Guidelines and Criteria

Read guidelines and criteria for the 2022/23 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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About the 2022-23 Michael Gordon Fellowships program

Read all about the 2022/23 Michael Gordon Fellowships

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Discover the latest Michael Gordon Fellowship stories

Our most recent fellows cover social justice issues from the outback to the Torres Strait

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Michael Gordon Fellowship recipients

See all Michael Gordon Fellowship recipients and find their work

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1-10 out of 28 results.

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