Search Results for "trauma"

1-10 out of 15 results.

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Are you ready to cover traumatic news?

Covering traumatic incidents can impact media workers and their peers as well as their managers. It can even affect their loved ones. Those impacts may be transient or persistent, immediate, delayed or long-term.

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Away from capital cities, covering traumatic news presents extra challenges

When covering tragedies, disasters or multiple distressing news stories – beyond experiences and reactions that metropolitan-based media workers have – there are, unquestionably, additional challenges and risks for regional and remote journalists, as the Dart Centre Asia Pacific explains.

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Working with traumatic imagery can affect your mental health

As the crisis in Ukraine continues and the situation rapidly escalates between Israel and Hamas, viewing traumatic images of violence, death, and destruction is a daily task for many journalists who work on the digital frontline.

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How exposure to trauma affects journalists

Research over recent decades shows that, eventually, our capacity to handle repeated exposure to traumatic incidents may lessen, seeing that “cup” overflow.

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The Edit talks about Trauma

In September 2016 The Edit assembled a special panel to discuss post-traumatic stress

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The Edit discusses journalism and trauma

An important discussion of the toll exposure to trauma can take on reporters and sources

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Putting your self-care plan into action

Most media workers will not be greatly affected by the work they do because they are – and will usually remain – resilient, but here's a checklist of things to prepare yourself for a potentially difficult assignment and the signs to look out for afterwards, provided by the Dart Centre Asia Pacific.

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Prioritising self care can protect your career

Journalism can be a stressful profession. Some stress can be positive and useful, like the sort that drives you to deliver your stories by deadline. Equally, other types of stress can be negative, harmful and cumulative.

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In crisis or tragedy, let’s recognise media’s purpose and value

Dart Centre Asia Pacific chair Trina McLellan discusses the importance of journalists' work, and the key skills required in the field.

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The Edit: How to report on sexual assault

Learn how to report on sexual assault sensitively, ethically, and legally while protecting yourself from vicarious trauma.

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1-10 out of 15 results.

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