Search Results for "Lawyer X"

1-5 out of 5 results.

If there are more than 200 matches, only the first 200 are displayed here.

Lawyer X Scoop wins 2018 Gold Quill

The Herald Sun Journalists who broke and led the coverage of the Lawyer X scandal have won the 2018 Gold Quill Award

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Media Freedom and Democracy in Hong Kong: The Trial of Jimmy Lai

Join our panel to discuss the case and its far-reaching implications across the region.

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2018 Graham Perkin winner Anthony Dowsley

Anthony Dowsley won the prestigious national prize for his reporting on Lawyer X and the Jason Roberts conviction

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2018 Quills: Coverage of an Issue or Event

Anthony Dowsley, Patrick Carlyon & Chris Tinkler of the Herald Sun have won the 2018 Coverage of an Issue or Event Quill

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The Edit: with Anthony Dowsley

Anthony Dowsley has been on the beat for NewsCorp for more than two decades

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1-5 out of 5 results.

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