Search Results for "Rachael Brown"

1-4 out of 4 results.

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The Edit: Podcasting with Rachael Brown

Rachael Brown and producer Sophie Townsend to discuss her landmark podcast series Trace

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2020 Quills: Podcasting

Rachael Brown, Josie Taylor, Tim Roxburgh & Martin Peralta won the 2020 Podcasting Quill

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2019 Quills: TV/Video Feature (Long Form)

Rachael Brown, Josie Taylor, Chris Gillett & Greg Nelson of ABC 7.30 won the 2019 TV/Video Feature (Long Form) Quill

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2018 Quills: Radio Journalism (Short Form)

Amy Bainbridge, Rachael Brown & Naomi Selvaratnam of ABC Radio AM won the 2018 Radio Journalism (Short Form) Quill for 'Insurance Industry Reports'.

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1-4 out of 4 results.

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